
Wednesday 31 July 2019

Story: The lost island

" mum? " said a little girl named Seala " yes darling " said mum " don't you think there's a different world waiting for us? " said seala " like what can be waiting for us? " mom says " maybe there is a different world.... " seala thinks if she would've found it she'd keep it as a secret. So then after she had a chat with mum she fell fast asleep. In the morning it was Sealas' birthday so, her mum bought her a cake from the cheesecake shop. Seala was having a family birthday so no friends just family. Seala was turning 18 today so she asked, her mum if she can go on an adventure. She got 10,00 dollars for her birthday so she bought a plane ticket to go to Australia. When she was in Australia. she bought a boat ride and, she went swimming in the middle of the ocean. Then Seala found a lost island called seasavaneia...

Duffy show

hi im Soheilla. This picture is the duffy show. This is a play. This play is called "duffy gets stuck in a video game" its when duffy gets stuck in a video game and there's a monster called desmancler which says " beep beep destrashion " and then she laughs. this play was so funny! This was probably my favorite duffy show ever! THE END . 😊

Friday 5 July 2019

All about iran


Hi, this is Girliya she is a snowgirl.